Amber cases
Узнайте, почему бизнес выбирает AMBERНОЧУ ДПО «УЦ «Авиатор» – авиационный учебный центр, одобренный Росавиацией. Предоставляет услуги по обучению инженерно-технического персонала на различные типы ВС, а также ряд дополнительных обучений для широкого спектра авиационных специалистов.
KNAUF INSULATIONKNAUF INSULATION is an international manufacturer of insulation products and materials.
EK Vostok CompanyJSC EC Vostok provides electricity to customers in 12 regions, including more than 3 million people and 30 thousand enterprises.
Vinikom CompanyVinikom is the largest supplier of elite alcohol. It is engaged in the import and distribution of wine and spirits: it finds the best wines around the world, controls their transportation to Russia, and supplies restaurants and shops.
Sletat.ruThe largest tour aggregator with a network of 3.5 thousand franchisors. 6,000 users.
RSHB – Life InsuranceProducts of investment and cumulative life insurance, as well as insurance policies against critical illnesses, accidents and diseases.
Financial University under the Government of the Russian FederationThe Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation is a higher educational institution in Moscow. It was created in 1919.
Power supply+The united energy sales company of the T Plus Group with a branch network from 16 regions of the Russian Federation.
Joint Stock Company Izhevsk Radio PlantIzhevsk Radio Plant Group of Companies is one of the leading instrument—making enterprises in Russia.
The Right People CompanyA leading provider of human resources search and management services. The company has been on the market for 6 years. It has a branch network in 15 regions of Russia.
Manufacturer of bottled water "Pearl Dew"To solve these tasks, AMBER CRM has been integrated with Oktell telephony and the Yandex SpeechKit speech technology suite