Amber BPM
low-code business automation platform

We specialize in the development of custom software solutions, implementation of enterprise management systems (ERP), cloud services, and provision of cybersecurity services.

Our solutions cover the entire life cycle of IT projects - from requirements analysis and architecture development to direct coding, testing and support.

Another slide with a nice title, but in the middle

Our solutions cover the entire life cycle of IT projects - from requirements analysis and architecture development to direct coding, testing and support.

We specialize in the development of custom software solutions, implementation of enterprise management systems (ERP), cloud services, and provision of cybersecurity services.

A customized solution on a proven platform.
You will receive an automated system taking into account all your features + consulting from the best industry experts.
9 years of experience in IT
All this time we have been developing and successfully integrating our products into customer ecosystems
50+ IT specialists in the team
Each role on our team plays an important role in software development and support
120+ unique projects
All these projects demonstrate our expertise and ability to solve a variety of IT problems
30,000+ users in the Russian Federation and abroad
All these projects demonstrate our expertise and ability to solve a variety of IT problems
30+ partners from various business areas
All these projects demonstrate our expertise and ability to solve a variety of IT problems
Low-code platform
for business automation
Development of web applications, knowledge base management, setting up integrations, creating chatbots and cognitive assistants
Let's discuss your project Fill out the contact form and our team will contact you as soon as possible
Address: Moscow, st. Mironovskaya, 33 Phone: +7 (499) 703-03-18 Email:

    Find out why businesses choose AMBER
    Maximum flexible configuration of the AMBER platform for your Tasks within your budget
    Focus on maximum consideration of client specifics
    Development of a system to solve new problems
    Professional team, industry expertise
    24/7 support
    Ability to independently modify the system
    Get our consultation
    Want to learn more about how our software products can improve your business? Leave your contact details and we will contact you as soon as possible!
    Call me
    Solve problems with us:
    Automation of any processes to strengthen business control
    Non-standard integration
    With solutions on the 1C platform, IP telephony, website, mail, ERP and more
    Automation of any processes to strengthen business control
    Non-standard integration
    With solutions on the 1C platform, IP telephony, website, mail, ERP and more

    Would you like to discuss AMBER for your needs?

    Call me
    Cases AMBER Find out why businesses choose AMBER

    KNAUF INSULATION — Международная компания-производитель изоляционных товаров и материалов.

    Компания «ЭК Восток»

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    Немецкая компания, крупнейший в мире производитель техники для уборки и очистки.

    Компания Виником

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    Крупнейший агрегатор туров с сетью 3,5 тыс. франчайзеров. 6 000 пользователей.

    РСХБ – Страхование жизни

    Продукты инвестиционного и накопительного страхования жизни, а также полисы страхования от критических заболеваний, несчастных случаев и болезней.

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    Объединенная энергосбытовая компания Группы «Т Плюс» с филиальной сетью из 16 регионов РФ.

    Акционерное общество «Ижевский радиозавод»

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    Our partners Узнайте, почему бизнес выбирает AMBER
    Let's discuss your project Fill out the contact form and our team will contact you as soon as possible
    Address: Moscow, st. Mironovskaya, 33 Phone: +7 (499) 703-03-18 Email: