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Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Project: automation of sales of courses and sub-courses for the university
Provide automated reception, segmentation and distribution of incoming requests from all channels to internal services;
Monitor the processing of incoming requests and the formation of groups;
Identify popular/unpopular courses, analyze the effectiveness of marketing tools;
To formulate a strategy for the development of automation of the university in order to increase its competitiveness and optimize internal resources.
Implemented solution on the AMBER platform
Applications from potential applicants from the website, landing pages, contact center, mail, online Admission service., Google forms get into AMBER CRM;
Depending on the category of the request, a business process is launched to refine it and tasks are created for responsible performers;
Analytical reports have been set up to assess the popularity of courses, directions, the formation of groups, and the effectiveness of marketing channels;
Documentation has been developed, on the basis of which the solution will be developed and scaled to regional branches.