LK Group Company

Project: automation of sales, calculation of orders, selection of supplier

LK GROUP is a full—service advertising agency from Volgograd, has been operating since 2006. He is engaged in the development of advertising campaigns, web design, copywriting, production of souvenirs and printing products.


  • The need to maintain and display information about all suppliers and payments.
  • Prompt selection of the best performer based on criteria: cost, reliability rating, order completion rate, etc.
  • Receiving operational reports on closed transactions and completed plans.
  • Control of processes related to the execution of complex orders, where several suppliers are involved, in a single information space: communications, orders, payments.
  • Conducting mass e-mailings.

Implemented solution on the AMBER platform

  1. Formalization of all the main processes related to the processing and execution of orders.
  2. Integration with the UniSender e-mail delivery service for mass mailing to customers.
  3. Setting up the required reporting.
  4. Creating a product catalog.

The company plans to replicate the project in affiliated companies.