Full description of AMBER HRMS

Development goals

  • Simplify the work of recruiters in the search, selection and registration of personnel as much as possible
  • Remove all routine operations from recruiters related to the publication of vacancies, organization of interviews, and paperwork
  • Accelerate the pace of closing internal applications for new employees several times

Implemented features

Registration of applications for the selection of a specialist

From an internal Customer, the HR service receives a candidate profile filled out according to a template, which reflects the upcoming tasks, responsibilities, qualification requirements, length of service and other criteria for choosing a successful candidate.

The application is sent to the HRMS system, where it is assigned to the responsible recruiter, according to the algorithms adopted by the company. The responsible person receives a notification and a link to the task – to start searching and close the vacancy within a certain time frame.

The head of the HR department sees all incoming applications, redistributes them if necessary, and monitors their implementation.

Publishing applications on job sites and internal resources to search for candidates

After the application is accepted for work, it must be published on all work sites with which the company cooperates, as well as on its own websites, portals, information digests and internal mailings. This process is fully automated in AMBER HRMS. To start, the recruiter just needs to press one button in the System. AMBER issues vacancies on all job sites by itself (hh.ru , SuperJob.ru , Zarplata.ru , Avito.ru and others) according to the standards of the resource, includes the position in the digest and internal mailing list, initiates the collection of candidate responses. The recruiter, if desired, has the opportunity to independently limit the choice of channels for publication in the system.

Collecting responses to vacancies

All job responses that come from the channels where they are published end up in AMBER. The responsible recruiter is notified of the response by e-mail or SMS message. If an applicant needs to complete a video interview before meeting with a recruiter, they receive a link to a resource where they can do this. If a video interview is not required, the business process of organizing an interview starts. The recruiter also has the opportunity to add a candidate to the System manually, for example, if the applicant is attracted by internal staff.

Importing a resume

AMBER has the ability to import resumes from file resources and other sources in bulk. Resumes can be submitted in doc, xls, pdf, rtf, txt and other formats. When importing, all information filled in in the resume is transferred to the appropriate fields of the System automatically, so that recruiters can subsequently search for suitable candidates, use filters, and form samples of candidates according to any parameters.

Conducting a video interview without the participation of a recruiter

In some vacancies, there are a number of wishes for appearance, diction, literate speech and others, the compliance of which can be found out without an in-person interview, thereby saving the time resource of the recruiter and the applicant. To find out these correspondences, it is enough for a candidate to go through a video interview and answer a number of questions prepared in advance by the recruiter, after which the record is sent to the recruiter, and he decides whether to allow the applicant to an in-person interview or not.

Compliance with Federal Law 152 on personal data

In order for the Company to process resumes in accordance with the requirements of the law on personal data, in the case of manual download of the resume database, the System automatically sends the applicant a request for permission to process his personal data to his contact details. If the candidate sends a refusal, his resume is deleted from the database, if he agrees, the corresponding letter will be saved to the candidate’s card.

The business process of organizing an interview

After the application is accepted, the applicant has completed a video interview and has sent consent to the processing of his personal data, AMBER initiates the process of agreeing on the day and time of the interview. The recruiter is tasked with organizing an interview. Convenient day and time are agreed with the candidate automatically using Viber and Telegram bots, saving the recruiter’s time. At the same time, the bot scans the calendar of the responsible employee itself, finds meeting-free intervals and offers the candidate several options. After approval and selection, the bot enters the meeting into the recruiter’s calendar and informs him by message or letter that the interview is scheduled.

Appointment of face-to-face interviews, collection of information about the applicant

In almost any company, before passing the interview, the candidate fills out internal questionnaires according to the company’s accepted templates. With the automated approach, the questionnaires are sent to the applicant before the interview in electronic form, the documents received from him are pulled into the System and sent to the Security Service to verify the specified information.

Employee registration, workplace preparation

After the candidate’s approval, the process of his registration and preparation of the workplace begins. All internal documents, offers, and employment contracts are generated in the System using built-in templates. All copies of documents received from a new employee are stored in AMBER. Responsible executors receive tasks for allocating a workplace, configuring a personal computer, installing software necessary for work, and organizing access to information systems. Based on the collected data, AMBER HRMS creates cards of individuals in 1C ZUP and pulls up all the necessary information in 1C.